What you people gain from it??
Since some of my so called friends in the UK has started to read my blog and decided to put everything i write..
To whatever they feel they wanna read.. Im today writing in english...
I´ve done nothing to you guys for you to start throwing all this shit at me, cause it is shit..
Nothing behind it is true.. Before you start going all out on what i write about, maybe make sure you know and understand what or who im writing about...
This is a few of the things thats been said about me.....
- I´m just trying to make someone feel guilt etc and playing on hes conscience..
Sorry why would i lie about my own life, its not like i enjoy my situation atm...
- I´m just out for his money...
If i were that, then the first argue would never have appear.. And i would never ever take a guy for his money.. I have more pride then that..
- I´ve had feelings for others etc while we had something going on...
Why would i keep it a secret if that was the case??? I so dont understand...
Oh no sorry thats a lie actually, cause i do love one little dude. My brothers son <3
My question to all of you is..
What you gain in all of this???
I just dont get it...
Hugs And Kisses